Basically, the damage of the charges itself is alright.
However I’ve had a round where I had around 50 servants or something as rat king, or atleast many, and was basically unstoppable. Then, a single salvage dude came along, threw a seismic charge and without any time to react, all my rats were instantly dead and I was shot dead. It makes sense that seismic charges to damage, however for this specific case it seems way too overpowered to me. A single charge being able to kill a rat king no matter how many rats is pretty overpowered.
I mean, the solution there would be to have the charges just be a “magical” item that only does structural damage. Rats have incredibly low HP as it is so having them survive any kind of blast that does damage would be impossible. There is also nothing preventing a chemist from getting a water and potassium beaker and attaining the same effect.
True that, but seismic charges have such a large reach you really CANT escape them at all.
This feels to me like a natural weakness of the rat king being successfully exploited rather than a balance issue for the charges themselves.
Aren’t they, like 3x3? Or did I miss an update?
They are somewhat OP, but for a different reason. As a Rat King, any kind of area damage is your direct counter.
Of course its kind of a natural weakness, but it seems really lame to me that a rat king no matter how large his army is can easily be killed with a simple seismic charge. The range was defo larger than 3x3 tho considering this picture of what had happened.
Salvage Charges seem to be stronger than C4 too, they may need a rebalance.
Being able to be remotely signalled might be a bit much too
as far as i’m aware, mining charges are extremely limited and you cannot make any more. i don’t see an issue with that. the radius could be lowered, though, or more specialized into structural damage.
Well salvage still starts with a few, and in my salvage rounds I haven’t really seen anyone use them for their real purpose.
imo this is an issue with salvage refusing to mine and instead exclusively doing expeds and magnets for the Gamer Loot opportunity. this is not so much an issue with the mining charges themselves.
although i must say that ignoring convenience, there is very little reason to use the mining charges. i recently played a salvage game where i used some mining charges for their intended purpose, and it was extremely unnecessary. you can easily mine an entire asteroid in 6 minutes without using a single charge, and it hardly even made a dent in the asteroid overall. maybe the charges simply aren’t necessary, currently. i wouldn’t weep if they were removed.
Does anyone object to my proposed solution here:
(Decreased Number / Removal) of Seismic Charges in Salvage Locker
Removed from Salvage Vendor
Added to SalvWeaponSpawner Pool
These changes would reduce the active supply without removing the Item entirely. This would equal roughly 3-5 Seismic Charges found over a round instead of 10 or so Salvage currently starts with.
Salvs can use them to breach expedition walls when denied gear that they do not really need, so perhaps just renaming them to breach charge and decreasing size enough to just wreck 1-2 walls should be enough.
To be useful for mining they need one hell of a blast otherwise.
As much as I want to disagree with you because of how fun they are when you manage to steal them or find them on a salvager’s corpse… you are probably right and that is a fair nerf.
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