Username: Scape
Ban reason: "Self-Antagonism, escalated into harrasment and admin abuse in ahelp."
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
It has first started on day of December 29th, where, I got rolebanned from command for 3 WEEKS for emagging some lathes as CE. Then I got banned today for tiding HOP’s ID. My hatred for the admin team started with the roleban, when a engi syndie known both by Security and Command, came to me asking if I wanted anything emagged. I told him that we could emag the science lathes, since science does better when they have access to the things they research. For 3 magged lathes, I got rolebanned off command for 3 weeks. Imo, it’s insanely excessive.
Skip to today, I start a chill round as a Passanger to tide and build the maints bar on Cog. While I was gathering mats and such, I see HOP’s windoor open and I check his computer for any IDs. Sure enough, his spare ID is in there and I keep it in case I have to do something with it. Skip to 5 minutes later, I get ahelped by Kita, who proceeds to be insanely rude and harsh in relation to the situation. 5 messages later, I get frustrated and go back to throw HOP’s ID back in his office. The capitan was there if you need confirmation on that. After that, I keep getting pressed on the matter at which point I lose all the sense and restraint I had left.
You promised the rules would be reviewed and changed for months and yet you have done nothing in such regard. What is the point of a game if you can’t explore the limitations at hand. I shouldn’t have to contain myself to not take HOP’s ID, if him, in the first place, did not take any measures of ensuring the safety of his own items.
And to the roleban, I shouldn’t be rolebanned if the syndie offered the option first. It would’ve been the same thing if I told him myself to go to science and mag the lathes. (Not to mention, security should’ve done their job first, seeing that the syndie approached HOS first to reveal themselves.)
For these past 2 days, I’ve been nothing but stalked and harrassed by the admins.
Reason the ban should be removed
The ban is harsh, it’s insanely long, the matters at hand weren’t reviewed properly and the rules do not allow for experimentation. I think the rules should be taken and remodeled for the new playerbase at hand.