ScottTheWoz - Not exactly sure, but I was getting too rowdy is what I recall

Discord Username: lowtierpeasant
Ban reason: Repeated line-toeing and telling everyone how fun it was to break the rules.
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

It was if I recall at night when I was playing in one of the servers and chatting in the Discord. I think something must’ve happened to cause me to get more rowdy and rude. This was all over a year ago and I barely remember any of it. All I know is that I took it too far for how to act in the Discord server.

Reason the ban should be removed

I won’t continue toeing the line again nor bragging about how fun it is to break the rules. It was stupid to do, but I understand not to repeat my actions again in the server again.

Alternate Accounts


Asked for the ban reason from another Admin, so I edited it.

The moderation team has decided to lift this ban.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending