Senior Engineer should come with Atmos access

A lot of times we don’t have a CE and the atmos person is new, and end up making the mistakes everyone has made in their first time as atmos, like, hooking scrubber line into filters (uh oh, now if there is a fire, you have hot air being pumped into distro)
Would be nice if it also showed on the role as Senior Engineer instead of just Station Engineer.
I love teaching the new folk how to do atmos and stuff.

Two sided blade.

On one half good intentions. On other half it`s just stealing gameplay from atmos.(which i usually react by grabbing axe and removing the issue now)

Because there is literally nothing to do otherwise. Also metafanatics doing optimal distro to which you now need to spend time and effort redoing to make Fun distro with filters, freezers, heaters and burn chamber for trit.

But because metafanatics touched it, farm is exhausted. So now you need to wait 20 min for it to raise up and not get yelled for air issues by crew(depends on station). “Cuz it`s optimal” and “Your distro is shit, it only needs to do air”

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Yeah as Magada said, its good and bad.

Whenever I play atmos its usually just 5-10min of atmos then the rest of the shift is goofing off so why have SE’s stealing your job, and not to mention station’s like core which have no TEG and a pre-built distro, of course you can just dismantle the pre-built and make a funner one.

Me personally I really disagree with this idea, like engineering already get access to atmos if there’s no CE nor Atmos, so there’s really just no point except for some antag shenanigans.

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First of all this assumes seniors are meant to act as mentors. Which aren’t atm. iirc we HAD mentor roles, which where removed for reasons (which i don’t remember rn).
So if you want to treat them as mentors, first you have to provide arguments against their removal and THEN incorporate all the changes that come with such a responsibility.

For starters seniors would be incapable of rolling antag (because a mentor should not be antagging, ever). And they would need their own set of rules as well as a higher standard for existing rules.

You cannot give people all the benefits of a mentor role in CASE they want to use it as such. Access restrictions aren’t just a shitter-shield. It is part of the role as a whole. When atmos explodes, the first suspect are atmos techs, not engineers.