I have ammased over many years, all the features that other stations have that is highly requested on wizden. Here is most of them, the more finished ones will be closer to the top.
CQC, Syndicate station
Heritics, Goob Station
Surgery, Mining station
Crawling, Goob Station
Soft Crit, Deep Station
Changelings, Goob Station (i am not sure how finished these are as i have never gotten the antag, but there is usually a lot of bug complaints with it so i put it low.)
vent crawling, Mira Station
and that’s all i can remember, if you are making a server you can port these. Remember to get permission before you do if your gonna though. It would also be nice to see ANY of these features in full wizden, besides maybe CQC and softcrit. Goodbye and remember; never take your eye off Darren Mills, he be a sneaky little bastard!
Surgery IS being worked on, it will come once we get woundmed (at the same time or not, i am unsure)
though i am not sure what the current status of it is.
but for the rest of them, the main thing about it is, someone just needs to do it. it’s a volunteer project, so if nobody wants to add any of those things, it won’t happen.
Goob lead maint here, all of these servers except for Mining station are under the AGPL license, so MIT forks (including wizden) will not be able to port the features without the permission of every contributor that has worked on them.
We tried getting changelings added to wizden but they were denied for not being the same as the the accepted design document for them.
Vent crawling was denied on wizden due to it being a copy and paste of disposals code
Wizden already plans on adding surgery from RMC, but its pending the rest of newmed being finished.
Soft crit relies on crawling, and crawling for both Goob and Deep originates from White Dream, which they have no intention of releasing any of their code to wizden
As Durkk said, due to their licenses we can’t port any of those features really. CQC does have a current PR up here and crawling here though the exact status of these PRs I’m unsure on. Surgery is being worked on, I believe Heretics and Changelings would need good design documents to be ported as we don’t want them ported from 13 directly as-is for various reasons (I could probably get some more clarification on what exactly isn’t desirable about them if anyone’s interested). Soft crit would likely need woundmed / surgery implemented first, and vent crawl is probably just a matter of someone coding it properly.
EDIT: These features could be ported if the original code author gives permission for it, but they’re going to have to undergo upstreams’ code reviews which may take awhile with the current state if you can even get in contact with and get permission for this.