SsernameS14 account username: Shlumped
Reason for Ban: “Masturbates furiously”
Date of Ban: I’m honestly not entirely sure, probably around February of last year or so?
Length of Ban: Indefinite
Events Leading to the Ban: I was being arrested and dragged into brig, in an act of defiance I acted out “__Masturbates Furiously”. I was promptly messaged by the admin who said: “Really?”. Then I was banned before I finished my response.
Reason the Ban Should Be Removed: With the time banned I’ve definitely learned my lesson. I stopped playing SS14 for a while, before coming back and playing on Nyanotrasen. I haven’t had any issues on Nyanotrasen and was allowed my whitelist with little interference, I’ve played on the server for a few months now and enjoy participating in the function of the station. After playing on Nyanotrasen for some time I would really like to get back into the official servers and the community as a whole. I understand my record isn’t great, although I appreciate your consideration, Thank you.