should i play ss14 if i cant be IC
i almost have no rp experience, but i wanted to play this game thanks for the tons of videos i watched
so should i play or never touch this masterpiece?
should i play ss14 if i cant be IC
i almost have no rp experience, but i wanted to play this game thanks for the tons of videos i watched
so should i play or never touch this masterpiece?
What do you mean by “cant be IC”? If you just dont have experience, thats fine. Don’t worry you can easily learn how to rp even on lrp servers. My first experience with space station was on MRP server. At first I received many questions, tips, suggestions from admins, but with passing time I have learnt how to play, and keep enjoying being IC.
It’s really worth it to give a try. Just read the rules, and start with basic jobs and than progress.
IC - In character
Yes I know, but I’m not sure what do you mean by “I cant”.
You dont like the idea? You can pick jobs less focused on “text” RP, for example Salvs who are minning and fighting xenos in space to provide materials for station. Or you can look for different servers with almost no rp and different tasks.
You dont know how to be IC? You can learn slowly as I suggested with basic jobs.
i mean i can be just myself, i cant feel like anyone else, i cant be like anyone else except of me, cant impersonate, basically
Than create your own character and just be yourself, there is nothing wrong with it. Im also playing more or less as myself only from time to time I add some “quirks” such as - having personal problems - anger managment issues
Go for it, it’s a free game. And with not being able to play a character, as vanilia said just make your character’s personality yourself(this is what I did for the first while) or you could try RP and play a different or unique personality(the only tip I can really give for this is just ‘think In the way your character does’).
lastly, from my experience the community is very welcoming so you can most likely find someone willing to help be it here, on the discord, or in game(if the station is not imploding that is)
you don’t really need ic or rp knowledge for ss14
just hop on lrp name yourself john guy and call yourself as such
mrp doesn’t really need rp either just be yourself
don’t name your character after yourself though if that wasn’t obvious
the entire station when they see XÆ-12 has arrived at the station!
XÆ-12 regular tider max caping whole security 4 mins in shift. Robustting HoS, Warden, and Cap in the process. Literally me character
Being one that feels like they are bad at RP too… it’s easier to consider it by just acting like you would as if your in this critter’s shoes. That’s what games are for anyways, right? pretending
P.S: i played on an lrp server and the game is fucking awesome, love being an arachnid bartender
On 2/19/2024 at 6:27 AM, bebra694201 said:
should i play ss14 if i cant be IC
i almost have no rp experience, but i wanted to play this game thanks for the tons of videos i watched
so should i play or never touch this masterpiece?
I would recommend playing on light role play servers, if you have no RP experience