Shudsker - Whitelist Application

Username: Shudsker
Character: Statherós Droméas
Character Race: Moth

Character Description

Statherós is a lighthearted senior scientist. Most of the time she’s huddled up in xenoarcheology, only leaving for food or to fetch items for her artifact’s stimulation. She takes great joy in teaching newcomers, though she might find it somewhat inconvenient at times, as she enjoys being to herself. Although she’s worked on the station for nearly seven decades, she refuses to retire, her reasoning being that she has yet to make a real contribution to science and does not want to return to her homeworld until she has. Whenever she gets nervous, stressed, or scared, she can be seen grooming her antennae and wings.

Proof of Playtime on other servers

Whitelist Application Accepted. Welcome to MRP!

Added whitelist-accepted and removed whitelist-pending