Improve shuttle building by adding tinyfans/directional fans to build menu or as a flatpack to buy by cargo.
This will not happen because we do not want more tinyfans, we in fact are trying to phase out the existing ones. While the function they provide caters to a real need, we think that this is possible without making an airlock just completely ignore that it is opening to space.
A better airlock is being developed to fill this role, it will allow built-in single-tile “airlock cycling” so you will be able to get through it without venting, but you will not be able to treat it as empty space
Tbh either making it buildable or completely wiping it out would be great cuz I can see why you wouldn’t allow players to build it. It can completely trivialize the atmospherics system and negate the need for actual airlock design.
Will this change the way items, specifically pulled one, interact with atmos? Will it act as a door? If so, would it have some sort of timer?
Looking forward to seeing what ya’ll come up with, because I’m a pro-Directional fans.
I figured they would eventually be added to the build menu, but have a high security component. The same way ID card computers work in a way, where their components are hard to get ahold of.
Maybe the QM has a special FCD that can make them? And you can have it only have a few charges, and the ability to make more charges for it be locked behind high tier research
I think it’s essentially going to be as if 2 thindoors were built on opposite edges of a tile, preconfigured to correctly cycle. But all in one entity, without any alterable device linking. Although I’m not the one making it so this might not be 100% accurate.
I assume that it will be possible but unwieldy to drag a tile-sized object with you as you cycle yourself. It will probably fully open while docked, allowing normal passage as with any open airlock, such as when loading/offloading the cargo shuttle. But in space, it would, I guess, be slower to get in and out of the ship, or to drag something on/off board. Same as with shuttles that have an actual cycling airlock chamber
Maybe make the outer door (the one that docks) stick half a tile out, and it “opens” to dock.
Like the shielded docking port from KSP
there’s already something like that in a form of a very thin windoor (e.g. Botany on Oasis has them at the front). Same sprite could be use for that airlock.