Sleepyapril - condoning harassment

Discord Username: sleepy.april
Ban reason: condoning harassment
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Events leading to the ban

I replied to metalgearsloth saying I just wanted to code saying “so do we,” and then got banned for saying that none of the EE council people are encouraging or otherwise condoning harassment, to which I was banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

While I was blissfully unaware of specific members of the council’s actions and words, I know for a fact that I have never agreed with any harassment toward PJB and other WizDen members. I have never encouraged it, responded to it, or acknowledged it in any way, because I don’t agree with the methods and tactics used in order to handle an unresponsive email. I just code, I genuinely don’t support what happened and I simply wish to code for my upstream. On multiple occasions, I’ve said that I do not agree with how people handled it and will never do so.

Alternate Accounts

This took a bit to get to having to look back on logs and discuss with others.

You say you were blissfully unaware, despite being shown the harassment happening in question. You turned away from proof being shown and continued to question the judgement made on our side. You doubled down via denial in chat when you could’ve have shown differently.

After diving into the logs, going back and forth, waiting for more information and discussing with other moderators, we have decided that the ban stays.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending