So I can make meth without rinsing the beaker with water first. Honestly the whole temperature thing when making chems is not properly designed or at the very least informed to the player at all.
Tip: ChemMaster right now just deletes temp when you put stuff into the buffer, resetting it to standard. I think. It’s weird.
The temperature system will be better and will get fixed eventually, it’s been reworked as part of chemistry backend rework. There are no gameplay changes though, beyond bug fixing.
The fridge… Yeah. Yeah it needs something to do, anything at all really. I’m wondering if it should work as a chemical dispenser that chemists can put jugs into? Allows small doses of medicine to be made too.
But no, it definitely needs a lot of extra work because currently it’s just a locker that isn’t even obvious it’s one.
Been kinda eyeing trying to do something as a contributor with it, but no clue what, and I do want it to be accepted and stuff…
Dispenser, masters heat/cool reagents to temperature of container.
Basically anything that was not heated or cooled can be used to pour and change beaker to the default temperature.
As for fridge, it would be great if it coudl just siphon meds and fill it with meds, something like master except it would maybe label bottles what its filled with and so on, dispense bottles so it only needs to be filled with them/glass and what not.
Bottlemed/pill really needs some love and because masters rarely can be used for pillmaking without crippling medbay it would be great if fridge could take this duty too.