I recently played around with mutating tobacco but somebody told me they thought once it was cooked it lost its properties from the plant. So in the interest of not poisining my fellow crew how do chemicals in tabacco work?
So, because of the way plants work, they are a container.
Once you craft using that container it deletes the container and turns it into a different item or container which has completely different substances.
For example, if you blend tobacco, youll get nicotine plus whatever else you mutated into the plant.
If you grind the tobacco by hand using crafting, it becomes the ground tobacco stackable item, which then gets crafted with rolling papers into a hand made cigarette, which is also it’s own seperate thing (that you can inject your blend into).
A bunch of produce has these weird nuances like how poppy blends into Bicar but can also be used in chem to make sutures regardless of chemical content in the poppy.
Alright, so it doesn’t matter what it was before. Mutating tobacco is only good for grinding it up in a blender, otherwise time is better spent mutating another plant to get the chems you want and injecting it into the cigarette?
basically yes