Username: soldierman6
Ban reason: "Hitler did nothing wrong", after a bunch of odd German RP. Took ghost role punpun and attempted to clf3 bomb chem after the wouldn't give him chlorine and potassium in his previous life.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I was roleplaying as a german service person. I got into an altercation with another player and was sent into a dying status. I decided to let my player die with the dying message be “Hitler did nothing wrong” since I was roleplaying as a german.
My next life I was a monkey and I escaped from being behind the bar. I made my way to the chem lab where I was let in and decided to see what happens when I combine chlorine and fluorine since I’m roleplaying a dumb monkey. I was promptly killed and that was that
Reason the ban should be removed
I was ROLEPLAYING a german person. Saying “Hitler did nothing wrong” with my dying breath does not seem reasonable considering you can make an avatar that looks like a pixel version of Hitler.
The trying to make a bomb, well I was roleplaying as the monkey. I ended up in the disposal thing and somehow figured out how to get to the chem lab. I, As a dumb monkey, started playing with the chemicals. His intentions were not to harm people but to play with the colorful liquids (which he dranked some of the chlorine). I will like to add that in my previous life they did in fact give me Potassium so that part is untrue.
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