Something probably needs to be done about the meatspike

Just experienced a round where a nonantag used the meatspike to permanently round remove someone for next to no reason. Thinking about it, the meatspike is incredibly powerful and broken when used by (non)antags, plus the nearly free construction cost of 5 steel and a doafter.

Key issues I have with it are in 3 parts.

  1. It’s completely silent to construct and use. It’s pretty much impossible to respond to a meatspike being used unless you see it being used. Your only notice that this might even be happening is crit gasps which aren’t uncommon, especially in an atmos event.
  2. It’s functionally free to make anywhere with a locker and chair plus a screwdriver.
  3. It fully round removes players with no brain or organs at all compared to the more expensive syndicate round removal items like a microbomb or even the louder, slower gib alternatives like a baseball bat.

Solutions for each.

  1. Probably can be resolved by having a meatspike action make a chain rattle noise as the doafter is progressing. The doafter itself is long enough, but complete silence is the issue in stopping a permanent murder via spike.
  2. The crafting cost for a meatspike should probably go up, or in my opinion, the meatspike should not be craftable at all.
  3. Is probably more complicated, but when the body is spiked, it would probably make sense to drop the organs too? What self respecting chef isnt cleaning their kill?

Anyone else have thoughts on this?


meatspike costs 15 steel not 5, and servers default to not letting you spike people who have souls i believe. it would make sense to drop organs though, brain just isnt muscle/flesh tissue


In wizden you can meatspike dead people who have souls. ive done it before as an antag.

I say… meatspike should be craftable, I don’t mind the cost, however, make the size larger so it’s harder to make and use. Or, even better, meatspike can only be made near a drain, and drains are rather limited in maps (you can’t make them).

I just found out the meatspike can also round remove objects that the person was wearing, which is probably not a thing that should be happening.

that is actually being fixed due to complants of objective impossibility from meatspiking someone wearing objective clothing like hand tele, antique laser, medal case, or any other 1 of a kind objective item. some servers have it drop all items exept the jumpsuit and any hat they got on

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