Sorry I sabotaged gravity

SS14 account username: Davidian1024
Ban reason: Sabotaged gravity.
Date of ban: 2023-03-13
Length of ban: Appeal only?
Events leading to the ban: I deconstructed the power stuff around the gravity generator to see if I could get gravity to turn off.
Reason the ban should be removed: This game has seemed pretty chaotic to me.  I’m still very new and I honestly didn’t know if this is something I was actually expected to try to do.  I won’t try anything like this again.

I’m not an admin but were you a Syndie?

18 minutes ago, Davidian1024 said:

SS14 account username: Davidian1024
Ban reason: Sabotaged gravity.
Date of ban: 2023-03-13
Length of ban: Appeal only?
Events leading to the ban: I deconstructed the power stuff around the gravity generator to see if I could get gravity to turn off.
Reason the ban should be removed: This game has seemed pretty chaotic to me.  I’m still very new and I honestly didn’t know if this is something I was actually expected to try to do.  I won’t try anything like this again.

I am more curious as to why you went out of your way to try and avoid responding to the administrator trying to figure out why you were destroying gravity. Only after the administrator physically stopped you from playing did you finally decide to respond. 

7 hours ago, lonesoldier55 said:

I am more curious as to why you went out of your way to try and avoid responding to the administrator trying to figure out why you were destroying gravity. Only after the administrator physically stopped you from playing did you finally decide to respond. 

I didn’t go out of my way to try to avoid responding to the administrator.  I’m still new enough to all of this that I really didn’t understand much about the admins running all of this.  I all of a sudden had a red window pop up with someone named cheif engineer asking why I sabotaged gravity.  I was still thinking this was all part of the game.  When I decided to be naughty and sabotage gravity, I thought the worst that would happen was that I’d be thrown in jail by the security people.  I was also really surprised at how easy it was to do it without anyone noticing.

This game seems to encourage “bad behavior”.  I’m now starting to understand that there are limits to what sort of bad is acceptable and what isn’t.  That seems to be at the discretion of the people administrating this game.

Being totally honest, as a total newcomer to a game of this type, I’m feeling a bit wronged here.

7 hours ago, Billy said:

I’m not an admin but were you a Syndie?

I wasn’t, but then I don’t really know what that is.

Alright. This ban came across more heavy handed then the original administrator intended. Your ban has been lifted, but please take another look at the rules and please respond to the red adminhelp window if you see it.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals