Ah well would you look at this, I’m back whilst yes I have now partially been able to deal with my ban I do have some feelings of regret so I decided to come back and ask some questions.

So how do I actually smoke? I kinda never figured it out so like I want to know that.

How do I detonate the nuke? I never figured this out.

And finally how do I play without security beating people? This one happened alot.

Also how the hell does surgery work? I accidentally killed multiple people doing it? (They agreed to having surgery done)


  1. Smoking isnt really in yet, you can light a cigarette/cigar and put it in your mask slot but it doesn’t do anything except eventually go out. roleplay taking puffs by taking it out of your mask slot and putting it back in

  2. With the nuke code. the nuke is currently very barebones and just ends the round, no explosion. the nuke code is given to nukies in the gamemode nuke ops. I’d post the link to how the gamemode works but the /tg/ wiki is down currently, heres what I think is the right link? wiki is still offline rn tho

  3. use a *turned on* stun baton or taser or flash or something non lethal to stun someone and use handcuffs on them to restrain them. its not rocket science, god damn I wish job bans were coded in.

  4. Surgery simply doesn’t exist/work right now. any attempts at it will just be you stabbing someone to death with a scalpel

No wonder they died



  1. Take a cigarette from the cigarette pack. Use it (it’ll go in your face slot). Make sure you got all you inventory showing. Take a match from the match box. With the match in your active hand, click the match box, lighting the match, and then click the cigarette. Voilà!

You can also light the cigarette while it’s still in your hand, but who does that?

Tip: you don’t have to hold the cigarette pack and/or match box in your hands. You can keep them in your pockets, or on a table, and open them with E.

  1. I haven’t played as security yet, but I believe you have to use the stun baton WHILE NOT IN COMBAT MODE. That way, it’ll only stun, and do no damage.

It’s cool that the Space Law section of the wiki sugests that you first anounce that you’re arresting someone, and why, and only try to stun them if they resist.

16 hours ago, Daemon said:

  1. Smoking isnt really in yet, you can light a cigarette/cigar and put it in your mask slot but it doesn’t do anything except eventually go out.

This is not true, smoking actually makes you ingest chemicals ever since this PR.

1 hour ago, Zumorica said:

This is not true, smoking actually makes you ingest chemicals ever since this PR.

nawwwwww, you def went back in time to make that PR and then went forwards in time again to point it outtttttttt