SShved - "nazi related profile"

Discord Username: sshvedik
Ban reason: "nazi related profile"
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Events leading to the ban

I simply existed on the ss14 discord server. About 30 minutes ago I agreed in the chat that trans rights are human rights and left due to the slow mode in the chat. A few minutes later I see that I was banned for a “Nazi-related profile”. I can’t imagine how my profile can be connected with Nazism. All that comes to my mind is the two letters S in my nickname, but this has nothing to do with the Nazi SS, it’s just my nickname and that’s it (this means “Swedish” in Russian).

Reason the ban should be removed

Because the ban is wrong, there was a misunderstanding.

Alternate Accounts


After some investigation, we found that your bio had “(name)1488” as part as your username alongside a profile picture that didn’t sit well with us relating to the username in question.

After a internal vote between moderators and speaking to other moderators at the time of the ban. We have decided to maintain the discord ban at this time.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending