Formal complaints about Space Wizards Federation staff. Includes Wizard’s Den staff, SS14 official discord moderators, upstream maintainers, and project managers.
To submit a staff complaint, please complete this form.
This section is for complaints about the behavior of any official SS14 staff, including Wizard’s Den game admins, Discord moderators of the official SS14 discord, upstream maintainers, project managers, and wizards. It is not for complaints about staff from non-Wizard’s Den servers, or from forks.
Wizards, project managers, and head game admins handle complaints as appropriate.
A staff member may not retaliate against someone for having a complaint submitted against them, however other staff may take action against a bad-faith complaint. Not all invalid complaints are bad-faith complaints, and the subject of a complaint is generally not permitted to determine if a complaint was made in good or bad faith.
Requirements for Complaints
- You cannot make a complaint about an active ban or a ban that failed to be appealed, but you can make a complaint about how a ban appeal was handled. You can also make a complaint about a short ban that expired recently or one which an appeal was accepted for.
- You cannot make a complaint about a note, but you can make a complaint about the way the warning was handled. If you believe that a note was made in error you can Contact game admins to request it be removed. Notes will typically only be removed if they were placed incorrectly.
- Complaints must be able to point specifically to instances of a problem.
- Complaints are for instances where staff act in their capacity as staff, or represent staff. A complaint about a maintainer making a coding mistake is likely inappropriate, but a complaint about them encouraging brigading is, even if not done through official channels.
- Irrelevant images and videos are not permitted in this section of the forums. Posting any image which is not evidence directly related to the subject being discussed is prohibited.
- Do not omit important information. It is better to assume that information is relevant rather than to assume it is not. If you appear to intentionally exclude important information, it will likely be assumed to be in bad faith. You are not expected to have full context or awareness of a situation, but due diligence is required. For example, if you are complaining about something that happened in a round, you should have watched the relevant parts of the server replay to make sure you didn’t just miss something important while playing, but you’re not expected to be aware of things like what happened in admin chat.
Continuing to read beyond this point may aid you in making an effective complaint, but is not necessary.
Good Complaints
The following are examples of good complaints. Each is both valid and would likely be actioned. It is important to note that it is also possible for a complaint to be good without it being valid. For example, someone may be mistaken about the facts relevant to a complaint.
Spacewoman14 - Spaceman13: Rude in ahelp
Subject: Spacewoman14
Do you want this complaint to be made public after it is processed: Yes
Policies or Expectations Violated: Admin Policy “Be professional, polite and welcoming”
Detailed Summary: I ahelped to report someone RDMing me during round 30025. Spacewoman14 responded by telling me I was an idiot for not realizing they were an antag because they were using a desword to attack me.
Unknown - Spaceman13: Round ruining “event”
Subject: Unknown
Do you want this complaint to be made public after it is processed: Yes
Policies or Expectations Violated: Admin Policy “Admin events should be done in moderation without heavily altering the flow of the round”
Detailed Summary: I was playing a round (30037) as a syndie and someone started shooting immovable rods through the station. I don’t know how many there were but it was a lot. You can see them in the round replay around 1:34:00. The admin shooting them didn’t have a name on their ghost so I couldn’t tell who it was. They didn’t run a vote or anything, they just randomly killed pretty much everyone by destroying the station.
Spacewoman14 - Spaceman13: Rude on discord
Subject: Spacewoman14
Do you want this complaint to be made public after it is processed: No
Policies or Expectations Violated: The expectation that I won’t have to ping mods for a discord mod
Detailed Summary: I was talking about how I was starting to learn how to code and linked to my first PR. Spacewoman14 told me that I should just give up now because my code was some of the worst shitcode that they’ve ever seen. I asked why they were being so mean and they responded by saying “I’m not being mean, I’m just being honest. You’re never going to code something worth merging.”
Here are links to the messages:
Bad Complaints
The following are examples of bad complaints.
Spacewoman14 - Spaceman13: Rude in ahelp
Subject: Spacewoman14
Do you want this complaint to be made public after it is processed: No
Policies or Expectations Violated: Admin Policy “Be professional, polite and welcoming”
Detailed Summary: I ahelped to report someone RDMing me and told the admins that they need to ban them. No one responded so I sent sent another message saying I’m just going to do whatever I want too if they don’t ban the person who RDMed me. Spacewoman14 responded by telling me that to not threaten to break rules in ahelp. I was only threatening to break rules if they didn’t do their job and ban the person for RDMing. Spacewoman14 needs to lose their job if they’re just going to let people RDM and tell people who complain to stop.
Admin ban me
Admin banned me fuck this game I didn’t know speciesism wasn’t allowed.
Spacewoman14 - Spaceman13: Rude on discord
Subject: Spacewoman14
Do you want this complaint to be made public after it is processed: Yes
Policies or Expectations Violated: The expectation that discord mods will be fair
Detailed Summary: I was talking sharing some cool SS14 memes I made in the discord and Spacewoman14 told me to stop posting memes because they aren’t allowed. I posted a 1984 meme because it was funny and they timed me out for 2 hours. They didn’t have to time me out, I wasn’t going to post any more I just wanted to post that one because it was funny.
Recommendations for Complaints
- If your complaint includes in-round issues, include enough timestamps from the server replays for any events you describe to be easily found.
- Complaints should be calm, well-formatted, and not unnecessarily long. While complaints will not necessarily be automatically rejected for being aggressive, rambling, or improperly formatted, it will significantly hamper them. It is highly recommended you wait at least a day after the incident to make a complaint to help ensure that you have had time to fully evaluate the situation.
The Admin Message section can be used at any time to request information like round numbers if you’re able to provide information to help identify the round number. An ahelp from the round, OOC messages, or specific chat messages that someone sent are usually each sufficient for an admin to determine the round number.
Server replay files can be found at
Game admin policy is at Wizards Den Admin Policy - Space Wizards Development Wiki.
Anonymity and Public vs Private Complaints
Posts can be made “anonymously” in this section. Forum moderators will still be able to see who made the post.
All complaints are private until they are processed. If a complaint does not indicate that you’d prefer it to remain private, it will be presumed that you have no objection to the information in it being made public. Any indication you provide on private vs public will be strongly considered, however, there may be cases where your preference cannot be honored. Typically all requests to make a complaint public will be honored if the complaint is valid.
As part of the investigation into your complaint, the fact that you’ve complained may be revealed to the subject of your complaint.