Stallion - The Ban Reason is: 'raider"

Username: Stallion

Ban reason: The Ban Reason is: 'raider"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

I joined in as a person that could not talk and had a big problem with sleeping randomly. When the admin said “hi”, i replied with “skibidi toile” and the admin thought i was raiding the server when i clearly think i was not. I was playing fairly and not breaking any rules (to my knowlegde, i think i did not break any rules but i annoyed the admin.

Reason the ban should be removed

I would like a second chance for the "ban that should’ve never happened. I also played these servers a lot because they do not lag as much as others. I have never gotten a ban before and i want a fresh start.

Alternate Accounts

i only have this account

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I am the banning admin. I was going to ask you about your character name, at the time it was “Peak Autism”. I was going to say that name wasn’t allowed and tell you to change it before the next round. but given your response and the very low playtime I thought you were a raider. I will accept this appeal and unban you. please change that character name and be careful with your responses to ahelp.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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