An idea I’ve had recently to help promote further RP and interaction between players and departments is a document called the SoP (Standard Operation Procedures, or Station Operation Procedures) This is a book which has existed on several major SS13 servers in the past for these very same reasons.
This is a non-space law based book that covers several “other things” that space law does not, such as unauthorized station modification, post abandonment, running around naked or trying to actively hide your ID, committing minor acts of extreme annoyance that disrupt other crew and departments, as well as other generally minor things that are annoying but otherwise uncovered by space law.
My reasoning for this is that sometimes, command and security will take actions against players do things like randomly building stuff around the station without asking, or refusing to properly do their job, and when action is taken against these players I noticed many times it ends in in both IC and OOC tirades of said players insulting the command/sec staff for stopping them because “it’s not against space law” thou obviously a violation of normalcy and operations of the station.
Not only do I think this could result in more player interaction for those who now have to seek departmental approval for certain things instead of just winging it, could help clear up IC questions of what constitutes an NT employee (passengers vs other crew?), and also gives command and security a valid book to use against players who enjoy pushing the boundaries as far as they can and then complaining and insulting people in OOC when they are just doing their jobs to the best they can understand them. Even thou many of these things are covered in the server rules (don’t be a dick, don’t abandon your post) they do not translate to IC and spacelaw (understandable as many of these are not crimes and just major disturbances)
Obviously SoP violations should not result in prison time but they should give command and security administrative punishment options for repeated offenders such as temporary access suspension, reassignment, demotion or even a total firing from NT in the case of major and continued violations! However as it stands ICly, command and security operate on an ad-hoc basis of assigning and taking actions against these acts that are not covered in space law and, it results in major OOC conflict, especially as players of said departments have varying degrees of what they feel is appropriate or inappropriate and often conflict IC, and again OOC because of that.
Thoughts? feelings? too long didn’t read? leeme know!!!