Suit storage whitelist has practically no reason to exist

a PR (Make suit storage only available for hardsuits, softsuits, and armor by notquitehadouken · Pull Request #27546 · space-wizards/space-station-14 · GitHub) just got merged to add a whitelist to what external suit pieces can allow the usage of the external suit storage (storage for spears, gas tanks, heavy guns)
while i do not really hate this change, i still dislike it, and even more than that, i feel it has no point to existing.

listed in the PR is no proper reason. the only listed reason is “So that you cannot put air tanks or weapons into suit storage while wearing just a winter coat or poncho” which doesn’t really explain what the purpose of the PR is or what it hopes to accomplish. if it is for realism, that doesn’t really matter in a game like this, which has little basis in reality to begin with, and the only change to gameplay is, in my opinion, very much a bad thing - it even MORE heavily emphasizes atmos sabotage and spacing metas, which are already notably hated by the majority of the playerbase due to a lack of counterplay. having to either dedicate a hand or pocketspace to a large oxy tank or small oxy tank is very annoying and doesn’t really squash any particular metas - nobody was seriously at a disadvantage because the passenger who was already dying to spacing can breathe and survive an extra 5 seconds. it is, at worst, a mild annoyance.

this is the real point of this post if you do not want to read the above text wall
but, just to reiterate, while i have issues with the PR itself, those could be stomached if the PR actually had reasoning behind it. as is, the PR:

  • Solves no issues currently plaguing the game

  • Has no listed reason - reason given is only an example and not an explanation

  • Only reply explaining why it was made was posted by someone other than the original PR creator - boils down to “it was like this in SS13 so it should be like that in SS14” (i understand that it was an error in porting but there is no reason it should be corrected if nobody wants it corrected)

    • Was pointed out to not even be the case in most SS13 branches - oxygen tanks were practically always able to be stored, no matter the suit, while it was exclusively sec equipment that was whitelisted
  • Universally panned - upvote to downvote ratio of 1:6, and nearly all of the replies are against it in some way

  • Makes spears completely unpractical once again, despite their whitelisting to the suit storage slot being approved and agreed upon as being good for the item

  • Honestly makes the game even more unrealistic - spears can be strapped to a hardsuit but not a jacket? Handguns can be placed in a suit of blank armor or a hardsuit but not in a winter coat’s pocket?

i just can’t wrap my head around why this was merged. it’s a very minor part of gameplay but due to the multitude of issues that i have with the PR it makes it very hard to understand the change that will exclusively serve to make gameplay mildly worse while serving little to no benefit.


It’s because this feature should’ve been in the game 2 years ago

can you explain why this feature was necessary? particularly in its current implementation, where instead of whitelisting what items can go into suit storage, it is just a whitelist to decide what suits get the storage component. it feels incredibly pointless as it is.

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I mean, I mostly agree with these points, but I find it kind of silly to call something a “spacing meta”. People usually die in space, and rather quickly - it only makes sense for spacing to be efficient for people who have space protection.
However, I think that the solution to this is rather simple - add a small (5-10%) speed debuff if you equip an item at the back slot without a hard/soft/armor suit. This makes sense, because carrying a tank/spear on your back without proper fixations on your suit is going to be encumbering.

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when i say “spacing meta” what i’m referring to is the fact that spacing as much of the station as possible is an overwhelmingly effective strategy that the majority of the station cannot fight against in any way. that makes it part of the game’s meta, thus making it a ‘spacing meta’. it’s not really about the strat being unwarranted so much as it about its dominance.
i would be fine with this proposed solution, also.

Normally id have more to say or wouldnt say much, but with the reduced visibility in the forums imma just say i agree with you and the change seems kinda stupid.

Its the guns and spears mostly that confuse me. I can strap a gun to my back when wearing armor with nowhere to attatch it, but not a spear or even a handgun to a coat?

Some suits are also inconsistent although that is a bug. Ninjas being the main example here.

I beleivenyou brought it up in your post but why nit have it

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I don’t know why this was merged and I don’t know anyone who likes it. We as a community need to stop making changes for “realism” purposes, because nothing about this science fiction video game is realistic in the slightest. Suit storage balance was fine. “Because the feature should’ve been added years ago” is not a good reason to take away a feature or nerf a feature that players are used to, especially when the absence of that feature makes inventory management more awkward, which NOONE enjoys.

My two cents is that this makes it considerably harder to carry spears around, because most people with spears won’t have outer clothing that can fit a spear. This kind of sucks in a lot of situations - notably, it’s painful for survivors improvising anti-zombie weaponry, and for revs that don’t have guns yet.

This goes for for other large weapons too, but it’s particularly bad for spears since they don’t fit in any type of backpack/duffelbag - your options are very limited.


I think the suit storage system would be fine if it was only for like, BIG guns (rifles/l6/snipers) and air tanks. And while we’re at it, buff small air tanks slightly if big air tanks are going to be restricted to hardsuits.


I think the suit storage system would be fine if it was only for like, BIG guns

exactly - it should have been a whitelist to determine what suits can hold certain items in their suit storage, not a whitelist to determine what suits can hold anything at all.
as it is it’s a completely rigid feature that leaves no room for modification in the future, while not even being true to the source it was supposed to be corrected towards.


Yes, large tanks are so cought after because availible options are so ass, default air tank is 8 times worse and sec does not even get the 4 times worse extended capacity version and because they are a combat role they are not really going to be using suit slot for anything else than weapon if they can and its past escalation from stun batons and disablers.

Being completely honest this change had 0 reason to happen and was just anti QOL for the sake of adding something that was in 13. But realistically we had it better than it was in 13 and I cannot understand why it was made worse. What even was this intended to accomplish? Cause it just made yet another whitelist that has to be maintained on top of making everyone without armors game more annoying to manage. If it would help I can attach pictures of me wearing oxygen tanks and guns on my back without armor.


I don’t particularly mind this change, I like the emergency tanks being used instead of fire lockers always being raided roundstart for better tanks. My only real gripe is the inability to have weapons in the slot; they have straps on em for a reason. I don’t think that’d be unreasonable to include.

I like the emergency tanks being used instead of fire lockers always being raided roundstart for better tanks.

i have no real issue with emergency tanks being given more use. that being said, that could have been done in a much better way that makes more sense and is better for QOL than what we got. and, frankly, the fact that emergency tanks were a very niche sidegrade or literal emergency-use only seemed mostly fine for game balance, even if it was slightly annoying for people to ignore them wholesale.

I really hate the emergency oxygen tanks. If you turn on your emergency tank when EVAC docks, you will be out of air before arriving at centcom. They’re that useless, literally not enough to keep you alive when most spacings happen.The current “extended” emergency oxygen tank should be the default, with sec and engineering recieving the double tanks that nukies get. Or at least introduce a way to manufacture those double tanks. It would even add some extra work for atmos, and god knows they need things to distract themselves with on most shifts.


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