SuperDestroyerJ - 44420 ERP

Ban reason: “44420 ERP “im gonna cum””

Length of ban: Indefinite

Events leading to the ban: I genuinely have no Idea when I said this or what context I said it in. It has been at least a month since I played, and I only noticed being banned today. I must have said it in response to something dumb like getting a gun and being excited, because I have never and would never be in an ERP situation.
Reason the ban should be removed: I cannot remember what was happening when I said that, or if I even did say that, but I have never been in, would never be in, and will never be in an ERP situation, and I would not say that again to any context.

This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to reduce the ban from indefinite to 1 week.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Ban time sufficient.
  • Understanding situation in appeal.

Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals