Superjj18 - Telling a troll who was calling wizden pedophiles on GitHub to kill themselves

Discord Username: Superjj18
Ban reason: Telling a troll who was calling wizden pedophiles on GitHub to kill themselves
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Events leading to the ban

I’m pretty sure whoever banned me didn’t read things right given their ban message.

Yeah I told a troll to KYS. However the discord ban message says I said it because it was closed too fast, and that I gave off “unfounded pedophile allusions”.

I just want to set the record straight.

A troll on GitHub suggested a pedophile pin alluding to the community. I told them to kys.

I didn’t do it because maints closed it quickly, I didn’t suggest wizden/the community had pedos in it. I did it to the guy who alluded to pedophiles in wizden. I essentially told a troll to fuck off in a language trolls understand.

The only negative thing I said about wizden or its community was that they sometimes frustrate me with what are to me questionable pr merges and closings.

Listen, obviously I did something wrong, and do deserve some consequence for my hot-headed impulsivity. However there should be zero question that I ultimately support wizden in its endeavors and did not act in such a way as to harm wizden.

If you think I made the community look bad feel free to strip me of my contributor status so I return to being just some random guy rather than someone vaguely associated with wizden.

Reason the ban should be removed

I like the game, my admin remarks are few far between, and my offense, while misguided, impulsive, stupid, and way over the top, was still ultimately in support of wizden and its community.

Alternate Accounts

Hello, this is not me processing your appeal but to notify you that the ban reason was update by the banning admin shortly after to this:

complaining that they couldn’t tell a PR author to kill themselves because a github PR got closed too fast. no need to have that sort of reaction even if the person deserves it (updated reason since previous one was admittedly unclear about the point of the ban)

That is a far more accurate and fair ban reason, thank you.

As the banning admin I apologize for the lack of clarity, it was typed up in haste and originally meant to reflect that even if someone is making those kind of allusions, the behavior on github was not called for. The Discord ban was also considered to be justified since you also went to Discord to complain that you didn’t get to do it fast enough.

We have since updated the ban reason for the Discord and the github ban information reflects the same reasoning as well.

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I was obviously heated at the time, so I understood why tensions might be high at that exact moment for others as well, not that tensions needed to be high for what I said to be an issue. I can also see how the original message can be interpreted either way.

I also suppose the ban issue should be changed to “I did this and want a second chance”

Given the circumstances, we are opting to accept this appeal. Discord/Github ban will be lifted shortly.

Please do not do it again.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending