Syndicate sleepers should have an implant uplink

So when you think about a sleeper, you imagine someone who is probably brainwashed, and their programing is activated by a codeword or phrase. I don’t think they would have a PDA uplink, but something far more hidden they wouldn’t know about or easily find.

My idea here, is what if instead of a PDA implant, sleepers wake up with an uplink implant, meaning they have the tools to carry out their mission whenever the syndicate wakes them up. It just logically makes sense


What even happens now when someone does not have their original PDA when they get picked as sleeper, do they just not get uplink at all or even clean one from hop suddenly gets one via space magic when held?

Such implant activating would be very helpful indeed when target gets picked and they have no PDA in first place.

Added space-station-14

They are currently just shit out of luck if they get activated and their PDA was stolen. That was one of my thoughts I had a bit later

The PDA used is the one they currently have. I think the code selects a PDA and then makes the holder a traitor (citation needed). This means that Pun Pun and closet skeletons can be sleeper agents so long as they have a PDA (I have tested).

I’d explain this by saying the enemy communications also hacked your PDA and uploaded the uplink software.