TasteMyFlatline Admin Application

In-game Username: TasteMyFlatline
Discord username: Loading...
Characters you play: Lucius Graves, James Norman, Ethan Greenwood

On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: 6 - 12

Days you are available to admin on: I’m usually available pretty much all the time since I mostly do night shifts, except when I’m covering someone else’s shift at my job.

How old are you? 20

Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Wizard’s Den servers, or any SS13 experience? Nope, i don’t.

Do you have prior administration experience (SS13/SS14 experience preferred, please also post a way for us to verify this)? I’m familiar with some admin commands and have tried a few things on my own localhost server, but I don’t have admin experience yet.

Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? I’ve only been banned 2 times, my last ban was at around 240 hours of playtime (I have almost 700 hours now (according to Steam)).

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? I would enjoy doing in-game events handling ban appeals, and doing out-of-game rule enforcement.

What are you least interested in doing as an admin? I’m least interested in dealing with players who are overly confrontational and think they’re always right. While I understand that it’s part of the role, I prefer focusing on positive interactions and supporting the community.

Detail Questions

What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?

Game admins are maintaining a fair and enjoyable environment. They enforce rules, resolve disputes, and engage the community through events, ensuring a positive experience for all players.

Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?

I genuinely love the game and enjoy helping other players. I want to contribute to both the game and its community.

How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?

Roleplay in SS14 is struggling. Many players (especially in LRP) prioritize winning over engaging in genuine roleplay, and this focus on competition often takes away from the immersive experience that makes the game enjoyable for everyone.

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?

Hosting events and being there for the community can really make a difference. Engaging with players, answering their questions, and creating a welcoming vibe helps everyone enjoy the game more. Just being present and listening can go a long way in making the experience better for everyone.

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?

No, never had a bad or negative experience with admins.

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?

Way too many to mention them all really.

Scenario Questions

Scenario 1

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.

I’d focus on keeping the game fair and enjoyable for everyone. I’d let the observers know that while I appreciate their enthusiasm, I want to give all players a chance to settle into the round first. Once the traitors are selected and the game gets underway, I’d be open to more lighthearted moments or fun interactions.

Scenario 2

This scenario takes place on LRP. The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why.

First, I’d talk to everyone involved to get the full picture before deciding what to do. If things start to get messy, I’d check in with other admins to make sure I’m making the right call

If the HOS and HOP are overreacting to something small or breaking rules, I’d step in and give them the necessary warnings or punishments. They shouldn’t be stirring up trouble

If the captain messes up, I’d let the HOS and HOP do their thing. If it’s serious enough, I’d also hand out some consequences or warnings. The QM would only get in trouble if they did something really out of line

As for the clown, I’d let the crew deal with it while keeping an eye on their behavior. If the clown starts causing problems, I’d give them warnings or punishments. If they behave or lose the sword, I’d think it’s all good but still keep watching them. If they hide the sword somewhere tricky, I’d make sure they get warned or punished and return the sword to the captain’s office or a safe spot until it can be picked up.

Scenario 3

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding trialmins and headmins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.

I’d choose to give the player a temporary ban because it feels more balanced and fair. Since the player had no prior noted issues, a harsher punishment just wouldn’t sit right with me. It’s important to consider the context of their actions and recognize that everyone deserves a chance to learn from their mistakes without facing extreme consequences.

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EDIT: added 2 more characters that i play.