
In-game Username: Tezzaide
Discord username: Tezzaide
Characters you play: Iris Steelewing

On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: 10+
Days you are available to admin on: Most days of the week excluding Friday Nights/Saturday Mornings

How old are you? 23

Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Wizard’s Den servers, or any SS13 experience? Other than some time spent playing on frontier, nothing note-worthy.

Do you have prior administration experience (SS13/SS14 experience preferred, please also post a way for us to verify this)? I have some previous administration experience on a few smaller discords and a GMod server.

Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? No

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? Being able to respond to players AHelps, Prayers and Centcom faxes to be able to help add extra flair to a round with additional roleplay and unique events. I would like to primarily do this on salamander as its the server i primarily play and the other servers seem to already have plenty of admin coverage already.

What are you least interested in doing as an admin? “Admeme” rounds are something that im not a huge fan of, they can easily distrupt round flow if not handled properly and i would say im not the most creative person when it’d come to making some of my own anyway.

Detail Questions

What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?

Admins serve to help keep servers free from rulebreakers and inappropriate behaviour as well as help inform new and unaware players when able.

Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?

I would like to be come an admin for SS14 as this game has become a large part of my life and ive met so many incredible, wonderful and talented people through this game and i would like to be apart of its continued longevity.

How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?

Wizden’s servers are good in roleplay quality from my time experiencing them (however primarily on vulture and salamander) but i do believe roleplay can almost always be improved upon whether that be through players improving or through better rules and explanations.

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?

Responces to prayers and CC Faxes are something alot of players wish happened more often and as such i believe that these could have a large impact on both making rounds more exciting and engaging as well as improving player experience individually.

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?

Whilst i personally have not had any sour interactions with admins i know a few players who have and i believe it came down mainly to a lack of communication and there being no information or warnings before said action happened. Whilst the rules are usually straight forward and the players are assumed to have read them, there are strange grey areas where discussion and just talking could help lead to less miscommunications and have players feel less “inappropriately” punished

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?

Ive had many plesant experiences with admins from Admemes to fast ahelp responses. Most notably was probably the “Borgi” Admeme held by Sparlight and Rei on salamander involving using Corgi’s with Borg Lawsets and also giving them hands (Borgs with hands?? dead god) It was a mostly fun experience in that round to be apart of and i’d like to see it again someday

Scenario Questions

Scenario 1

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.

Doing something just for the “funny” is not something i would personally partake in but understandably the starts of rounds can be a bit boring and drab to watch as observers if nothing of note happens. I could permit possibly a small interaction like maybe spawning some mice ghost roles but i wouldnt commit to doing anything actively round altering.

Scenario 2

This scenario takes place on LRP. The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why.

This scenario is heavily context sensitive and as such has a multitude of solutions.
Firstly the clown having stolen the captains saber while non-antag, This is of course usually an example of self-antag but could also be explained into as just the clown doing clown things, but given that the enviroment is on LRP, its most plausible that the clown just took the saber for the fun of it.
Secondly the HoP and HoS attempting to coup the Captain by itself is fine i believe, its something that they’re allowed to do in their power if the Captain is being less than helpful/cooperative and the Captain not resigning is also something that is fair if they dont agree that they coup is valid. Hiding with the QM is a fair response i believe but doing so on the cargo shuttle for too long could be possibly seen as stalling depending on how far it is taken.
Theres ways to resolve this both OOC and IC, I could assume the role of a Centcom Inspector to try and get both sides of the story to see if its possible to resolve this peacefully IC or i could directly message the players themselves via AHelp if i deem that the situation is too far gone/lost to be able to resolve IC.

Scenario 3

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding trialmins and headmins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.

I believe the best course of action here would to get the opinions of both admins here to help resolve the issue, as conflicting opinions and miscommunication could lead to an unneccesary punishment dealt out to the player and as such I’d hold off on taking action immediately if possible until i can speak to both other admins.