That’s all. Thank you to the volunteers, contributors, admins, and the players in the community for an engaging time. Just wanted to shoutout devs because this shit fucking rocks.
Sosa out here being fucking wholesome. Agreed though!
The man who is more robust than all before him is also the most wholesome. Can’t agree more, the people make this game what it is.
Great forum topic! I also want to thank everyone who works on this game. It is my favorite game. I spend a lot of time here now. That is why I went back to donating to it.
This became increasingly ironic
2 hours ago, TedBundy said:
This became increasingly ironic
funny honestly
evil ed switch up once again
On 12/17/2023 at 1:40 AM, LowTierGod said:
funny honestly
evil ed switch up once again
In fairness, I made that post right before the inventory rework and removal of Senior Roles happened.
That seems to be my dilemma with this game in general. I can flow chart it at this point.
1: Game is in a good place.
2: I announce that I love the game.
3: I start donating to show financial support to the game.
4: Huge sweeping changes to how the game works get published about 2 seconds after I turn on funding and posted praise on the forums.
5: I switch off funding.
6: I make a public post about my dislike of the current situation.
7: Almost everyone dog piles me for daring to express a dissenting opinion publicly. “There is no war in Ba Sing Se.”
8: I get depressed about the entire situation of a game that just changed dramatically and a community deeply resistant to public criticism.
9: Many updates happen over the span of about 2-3 months to fix the brokenness of the new changes to make the game finally playable again. (Having to suffer the unplayable nature of the game throughout that time.)
10: I re-instate my praise and funding. Even going so far as to say I love the game and consider it to be my favorite game.
11: The game stays like this for maybe 1-2 weeks.
12: Huge sweeping changes are made that break everything again 2 seconds after I post publicly about liking the game again.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
I’m at a place where it feels difficult to ever say anything positive and nice about this game because the moment I do this game gives me whiplash. I think the weather outside is only slightly less consistent than this game. So, I don’t know what everyone wants from me.
God forbid I ever say something nice about the game and it goes up in smoke instantly after.
God forbid I ever criticize changes I don’t like.
Playing this game and being a part of its community is literally a lose, lose situation.
I don’t know how to tell you but I think you might be overestimating the degree to which things revolve around you
1 hour ago, Errant said:
I don’t know how to tell you but I think you might be overestimating the degree to which things revolve around you
On 12/16/2023 at 11:18 PM, TedBundy said:
This became increasingly ironic
How is this ironic in the slightest? Perhaps your interpretation of the situation is askew.
I no longer play it, nor would even recommend it in it’s current state, but that doesn’t exclude a simple expression of gratitude. This community loves their Reddit “gotcha” moments, so Gold Star™ awarded you made the witty comeback on a 6 month old post.
31 minutes ago, Sosa said:
This community loves their Reddit “gotcha” moments, so Gold Star™ awarded you made the witty comeback on a 6 month old post.
I am reddit’s best comedian.
2 hours ago, TedBundy said:
I am reddit’s best comedian.
reddit gold
6 hours ago, Sosa said:
How is this ironic in the slightest? Perhaps your interpretation of the situation is askew.
I no longer play it, nor would even recommend it in it’s current state, but that doesn’t exclude a simple expression of gratitude. This community loves their Reddit “gotcha” moments, so Gold Star™ awarded you made the witty comeback on a 6 month old post.
I actually turned back a recommendation in progress because of this game’s current state. I was about to guide someone into how to set up the game and play. This was right before everything was shattered. After what was rolled out, I actually decided to just not bring the game up to him anymore and hope he just didn’t press me about it. Then, he did. So, I had to explain how bad things just turned on a dime and that I don’t think it’s a good idea to get started playing right now.
I rarely play myself anymore right now. I hop on the game everyone once in a while. Mostly to read the patch notes to see if anything got any better. Once in a while I hop into a game. I usually leave after a couple minutes.
I don’t plan on donating anything more for the easily foreseeable future. I’ve already donated $60.00 and right now I feel that’s already far more than the game is worth in its current condition. A far cry from the $300.00 I had planned to donate. But, at this point, I’m just done. The game is too unstable to feel confident about it for longer than a 2-4 weeks at a time. I keep getting told ‘It’s still in early development so expect huge sweeping changes all the time.’ My best response to that is, fine, let’s wait about a year or two to see if the game ever settles out and then maybe I’ll donate. As far as I can tell, from another thread, all (or at least most) of the money goes to keeping the Wizard Servers up anyway. And, I’ve already expressed how I feel about Wizard. I might donate to a Server if I find a not Wizard one that I like.
Because of what you have pointed out to me in many threads, and what I have seen myself first hand many times, I also plan to basically never compliment anything I do like about this game again. Trying to be even handed and nice is just too much of a social liability in this community. Because, then it gets thrown back into my face if I have issues with other things later on. If I have anything negative to post, I’ll do that. I really no longer care about this community or game enough to care what most of you people think about me anyway. Though, frankly, I’ve lost so much interest in this game that I’m spending more time at this point complaining about it on the forum than I am playing it. This is a bad sign because I’ve been here with other games before and that basically means I’m about to just leave. Because eventually after the game goes bad the complaining also gets boring when I realize the people in charge have no intentions of fixing anything they break. At that point, I usually just leave games like that and their communities to their echo chamber.
I’ve also basically run out of things to say right now. If things break more I’ll have more to complain about. But, for now, I’ve made my views about this game, Wizard, and this community known in great detail. It’s sad to see a game I sunk so many hundreds of hours into become a game I can barely stand to play for five minutes.
i love failing miserably in this game, you cant play right until you learn to laugh at your own misfortune
1 hour ago, JoeHammad said:
i love failing miserably in this game, you cant play right until you learn to laugh at your own misfortune
You aren’t truly playing the game unless you’re crying or upset as hell.
18 hours ago, TedBundy said:
Apophis-Asskek 2018 incident never forget
god dammit