The_recroder - no nazis, saying hail hitler

Username: The_recroder

Ban reason: no nazis, saying hail hitler
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I was walking to the bridge when I saw someone named ‘Jontavious Hitter’ Average people would 100% think that his name is ‘Jontavious Hitler’ so my brain just told me to say ‘Hail Hitler’ for no reason

Reason the ban should be removed

I dont want to get banned in the my favorite server that i always play for accidently typing smth that broke the rule from someone that make the name so close to the rule

Alternate Accounts

Processing with trialmin

The trialmin processing your appeal has closed it with the following message:

Your ban has been reduced to expire on 8/11/2024

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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