This apparently still comes up occasionally, can we please get an official word on the specifics?
The Expanded Rules say that cargo is not allowed to “liquidate public station assets to sell for money to the detriment of the rest of the station”, but this can be interpreted in various grey ways. What EXACTLY counts as a detriment? Everyone can spot blatant violations, but where do subtle acts of cargo theft become an official violation?
If a cargotech sells a vending machine from maints, is that a violation? If he sells 2? 10?
Are ALL water and welding fuel tanks off limits?
Cargotech collecting maints props in his backpack, clearing out an entire corridor?
If they ASK another department for things to sell, does it then become an IC issue between them and cargo, or is an engineer who gives them surplus equipment from a locker become complicit in a rule violation?
If a crewmember finds cargo dragging some equipment/crate that (they think is) “stolen” from a public area, and the cargotech refuses to release or return it, or ignores them, are they allowed to escalate?
Is the crewmember stepping beyond the bounds of an IC conflict if they confront cargo over a piece of equipment that has no direct relation to their duties? (Such as a botanist confronting over a welding tank).
Does something like a vending machine count as “connected to” all crewmembers, since they all eat and drink?
Any other scenarios of interest you can think of and want to go into?