The Warden's jailbroken PDA should work as a medical PDA and a musician PDA

Exactly what it says on the tin. There’s no gameplay or balance reason for this, its fully just something based on some flavortext that I think would be funny. Also, it may inadvertently cull the Brigmed squad, because it sorta makes the warden the unofficial brigmed.

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having musical instrument roundstart is a nice qol because most maps doesnt spawn with a ukele, being warden is boring sometimes.

At first I thought this sounded a little ridiculous but after a bit I realized it would actually be great, as a warden main I frequently need to do both medicine and music during treatment and downtime respectively.

Initially I was just thinking “wouldn’t it be funny if the warden’s PDA was actually jailbroken” and the more I thought about it the more I realized these actually would make warden a bit better at their job!

Added space-station-14

They should instead make medical and musician PDA properties into cartridges which you can buy from cargo, you can install into your PDA to get the same functionality (preferably not in the settings tab anymore).