“Being very toxic to other nukies, calling them handicapped and being a dick”
Ban length: 10 days
Me and another nukie were pushing into cargo together to destroy the stations supply alongside anyone unlucky enough to be caught off guard by us. I entered the cargo shuttle, but the other guy was just spinning around in space. This led to the incident where I asked if he was handicapped and to get a move on so we could push into cargo (did not know he was lagging). He eventually got inside but we both died. Admin and I had a long discussion and I was eventually banned.
First of all, I never called anyone else handicapped and the ban description says “them”. I apologized in Ahelp after learning he was lagging and couldnt enter the cargo ship. Additionally, I wasnt all that toxic to my team at all and genuinely tried to lead them. The only time I had an outburst was when I heard we had no fire axe but we eventually agreed that after medical they would push into atmos for an axe. I understand that calling someone handicapped was wrong, but dont think I deserve a 10 day ban rather a temp ban from the role.
(also on a side note can someone report the bug in the discord where you cant see people?? I couldnt see anything but the little job icon above their heads when I walked into cargo)