Username: themanbehindthechung
Ban reason: Self-Antag. As Captain, Authorized Cargo to create Cargonia, which is a revolution of the station.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for
Events leading to the ban
The round started with an incredibly understaffed security department (2 members including HOS) and QM proposed letting cargo arm to help patrol the station. I agreed given that the station would wall into anarchy with only 2 officers. There was no talk of making cargonia, and Cargo was never given enough independence to be its own entity. In fact, when the HOS was later murdered and Gibbed, I proposed merging the current militia with sec (not cargo) to let them go legit as sec.
Reason the ban should be removed
I admit that I was somewhat lackluster during the round, as I had a lot of things to take care of at once, but I had no intention of granting cargo independence. I was simply trying to maintain order on a severely understaffed station. I do not understand how any of this falls under self-antag. This was in no way a revolution of the station. we were about to evac anyways, since the tesla broke loose, at which point the admins decided to treat this as a cargonia forming. I do not think I did anything unreasonable, let alone anything to merit a permanent ban. I cannot emphasize enough that CARGONIA WAS NOT FORMED. A citizen milita was created to keep order on the station because there were not enough sec officers.