In-game Username: TheUltimateJester
Discord username: crimsonjesterheart
Characters you play: Is-The-Joke
On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: 14
Days you are available to admin on: Typically weekends but I can sometimes be available during wednesdays.
How old are you? 18
Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Wizard’s Den servers, or any SS13 experience? I have recently picked up playing on 13 but most of my SS14 experience outside WizDen has been on places like CD - Sector Umbra - RMC
Do you have prior administration experience (SS13/SS14 experience preferred, please also post a way for us to verify this)? I am a former Trial GM for Sector Umbra and a moderator for RMC, while that isn’t game admin experience it is experience in an administrative position nonetheless. I am able to provide screenshots of my current position on RMC alongside people on the admin team currently being able to attest for my previous position on Umbra.
Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? I was banned from WizDen servers all the way back to February to March due to shittery and griefing, this stretched all the way from griefing as Remi to getting a deathsquad called. The only issues that have happened after this was an RP fail last year in August.
What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? I am primarily interested in raider prevention and ensuring that players are engaging each other respectfully during rounds, I care heavily about ensuring that players feel comfortable here and that they feel like they are welcome in this community and safe from people that would seek to harass them. This comes from my own personal experiences within WizDen but also from witnessing it occur frequently in the past, I am happy to say however that I have not seen at as much in recent times. Another interest I have taken is ensuring that rulebreakers are handled accordingly and properly, while they are rulebreakers? Nobody deserves to be handled unfairly.
What are you least interested in doing as an admin? Events never entirely piqued my interest I suppose, I am much more likely to focus on my administrative duties, this isn’t to say I won’t ever spice up a round but I am more focused on ensuring that people aren’t breaking the rules or that people aren’t ragging on others OOCly and being overly abrasive to be abrasive. I am also not entirely too excited to deal with ban appeals but who is? It has to be done, it isn’t interesting but it’s very important.
Detail Questions
What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?
Game admins serve as a primary force to ensure that rulebreakers are dealt with accordingly, game admins should be focused on making sure that the experience stays fun for the players that follow the rules by dealing with said rulebreakers or players that seek to be abrasive or just plain shitters for the sake of doing it. I myself have seen admins in this expectation since I started playing properly and I will continue to see them this way, this is due to just how I’ve seen them handle people that have been abrasive towards others and even myself. They have made this community feel more welcoming and overall should seek to be peacekeepers within WizDen so that things stay orderly and so other players feel safe and can continue to play the game properly.
Another role that I’ve seen them in is providing assistance to other players when they have questions about the rules or are experiencing game bugs and require assistance, I’ve never seen an admin turn down a chance to help someone else out.
Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?
I want to become an administrator to continue to upkeep that precedents that I’ve stated before and because I want to make this game feel as welcoming and open as to when I first started playing. A lively and helpful administrative team is one of the big reasons that I continued to play SS14 after all this time and have since continued to enjoy it among other forks, I am a firm believer in good administration making the player experience better by enforcing the rules that have been established and by being the person that a community member can trust if they have an issue or need assistance. I am more than happy to assist someone in need or to handle someone that’s breaking a rule. All of this leads into me just wanting to be an administrator so I can enforce the rules and make WizDen feel just a little bit better.
How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?
I have been on a short hiatus as of late, however! I have always enjoyed the RP quality of WizDen until recent times, it has felt like it dipped in recent times and has gotten significantly worse. I have seen the word “elitist” been thrown about a fair amount of times which isn’t fair at all, it’s the same way of an LRP player being called a bad roleplayer purely cause they play LRP. It goes both ways and I miss when the RP quality had a sort of harmony to it when people weren’t stepping on each others toes, that or they are at least not flaming each other at any given opportunity. This is how it has felt recently and I would love to see it improve, I’ve heard it has been improving lately but I would like to be someone who can help accelerate that and provide more insight into ways that we could go about with improving the RP quality.
Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?
While banning problematic players is definitely bringing about a positive impact, admins generally just interacting positively with the community can bring about the same if not more of a positive impact. Admins should have trust with the community and people should feel like they can talk to admins if they need to report an issue that they’ve seen, it’s incredibly important for admins and the community to be on good terms. While admins deal with problematic players? It’s important that the community feels like they can also report those same players so that admins can handle them. Trust goes both ways and can often be the biggest positive impact of all, I’m a firm believer in community to admin trust and especially relations, we should be working together as a community, not against each other.
Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?
Nope! While I’ve not had negative experiences with admins in WizDen I’ve only had issues with people in game, while this is expected it could have been a lot worse if I didn’t have admins to deal with said people. My negative experiences are usually at a low and that’s all thanks to the administrative team.
Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?
There are far too many experiences I’ve had for me to put down entirely but yes, I’ve had plenty positive interactions with admins on WizDen, be it from idle chit-chat to them handling reports that I’ve made. Admins have continued to operate on precedents and expectations that I have which is lovely to see, I can tell that the admins behind WizDen are passionate and care deeply about the project, it shows in their actions and their attitude towards people within the community which I’ve seen myself.
Scenario Questions
Scenario 1
It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.
I see this situation as going two ways, I myself am likely to inform them that I am not planning on adding anything to the round at that given moment and I would much rather just observe it. There is also the off-chance that I may want to add to the round in which I’ll agree and run a vote to see if other players in the round wish to have the round altered in some way. If people want me to mess with the round? I’ll most likely choose to give the traitors some fun tools or add an additional antag to the round, that or have a CC inspector sent while traitors are aboard. If people do not want an event for the round? I will abide by that and continue to observe the round, that or I will choose not to if a different admin is already planning on doing something of the sort. This is all with the assumption that events are cleared or that nothing else is going on for the round.
Scenario 2
This scenario takes place on LRP. The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why.
Assumption 1: This is under the assumption that the Head of Security and Head of Personnel are justly couping the captain and following proper procedure, I am going to primarily focus on the captain and clown and QM. I am going to look into what has happened for the captain to be mutinied against, has he tried to hide the nuke disk in space? Has he overall been severely incompetent? Has he committed a crime? These are all factors and any could be possible, I will choose to say that the captain has hid the disk in space. In this case I will be going to move for an announcement IC that declares the captain unfit for duty so that security and the HoP know they have the all clear to arrest the captain. I will proceed to question the QM and ensure that he knows that the captain is in the wrong, the QM at most is likely to receive a note based on how he handles his behaviour, if he chooses to handle it well? He may not even receive a note for siding with the captain. On to the clown! I am going to question the clown as to why they’ve stolen the saber and have it as a non-antag, if they give me a satisfactory answer for why they have it? Such as the captain tried to kill them or the captain dropped it while running, I am more than happy to leave it at that as long as they aren’t using it to be a shitter or cause any issues. If they actively stole it from the captain and are using it to cause issues? I am going to give them a note regarding their behaviour. Once all of this has been handled accordingly? I am going to warn the captain that this behavior for the position that they’re in is unacceptable and is going to result in a role-ban that may be appealed in the forums.
Assumption 2: Say that the HoS and HoP are both in the wrong and are unfairly couping the captain, I am going to make sure that both the captain and QM are not breaking any rules or doing anything incorrectly, if they’re fine? My attention focuses to the HoP and HoS. I am first going to ask them why they are trying to coup the captain, in this case… Lets say they don’t provide sufficient evidence such as… “The captain was being rude to me and HoP and didn’t let us do an execution.” I am going to try to handle this properly by informing them that they cannot run a coupe, I will get them to try and stop and if they do not? I will have to role-ban alongside potentially even banning them for a few days to a week due to them directly ignoring an admin when asked to stop running a coup that shouldn’t even be happening. If they stop the coup when asked? They will both receive a note and be asked to review the rules and SoP for future reference. As for the clown? The clown can be handled the exact same way in Assumption 1 with asking why they have the saber and if they are going to provide a proper response.
Two very different assumptions yet both are able to be handled as long as the proper steps are taken to ensure that all sides are covered and everybody was handled as they should have been.
Scenario 3
You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding trialmins and headmins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.
I am going to make sure to properly look over any relevant data and ensure that I am getting the right advice, an important thing to note is that the player has no prior issues, this implies that they have either been playing for a few weeks or even months so they have sufficient playtime. I am aware that this situation is not substantially different and I am going to treat it as such, the admin that has linked my ahelp and said to just provide an indefinite ban does not seem sufficient, they are not providing me proper evidence as to why I should provide and indefinite ban whereas the other admin had provided sufficient evidence. I am liable to provide the player a temporary ban and move from there, I am not going to dish out something as harsh as an indefinite ban for a first time infraction and an infraction that is only temp-ban worthy.