SS14 account: Thomasasia
Character name: Gorge Washton
Type of Ban: Game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: 7/21/2022, 4320 minutes
Reason for Ban:
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Why you think you should be unbanned: I don’t think my behavior was bad at all. Nor was I “constantly talking about dicks”. I said a couple of dick related insults to whiny prisoners over the course of the game, but that’s minor, not against the rules, and was certainly not excessive. I was just messing with them in a harmless way, because they were complaining about being imprisoned after they broke into sec. And yes, i told some rioters (they were protesting the imprisonment of a sentient pen) to fuck off when they threaten security. During the entire game, when I wasn’t dealing with shitters, and was helping the normal rule abiding citizens, I was pleasant, not forceful, and friendly.
I wasn’t engaging in shitter behavior either, I was just doing my job. I assume the wizard-robed person a-helped and said i searched them without their consent while they were in crit, but what I had actually done was drag them to the medical portion of the shuttle, place them on a bed, and then remove their backpack to get out their epi pen, in order to save their life because they were in crit and at risk of dying.