SS14 account: tjkgordon
Character name: Workhorse
Type of Ban: Erp
Date of Ban and Duration: Permanently
Reason for Ban: Erp
and `Appeal this at, banning admin AWhayes.
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: So i was playing captain, and i decided to have a party with the crew!, we brought the liquor machine over, got pied in the face, build a rage cage, overall it was a cool party, some fights broke out as we were all in a tiny room, roughly 4x8, So the party is wrapping up, someone has stolen the 2nd command machine, repeatably calling shuttle, The head of cargo wants into the backroom(so he can break a machine or he’ll kill me) so i shout in all caps, IM CUMMING.
as in coming to them and let him break it, Nobody commented on it, and only him and i heard it, The admin messages me, heres the chat log:
questions about what the admin was talking about.
Why did you build a rage cage?: Not aware that building it was bannable, but although i allowed them to build it, A few engineers had already setted it up, Everyone wasn’t bothered by it, however there was a rule of no gutting once one of the players were shocked/knocked out,
Were you holding the game hostage?: I believe i wasn’t holding it hostage, as i wasn’t ruining everyone elses experience outside of the party, i just thought it would be a fun event people could join.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I feel this was a unjustified ban, as nobody commented on being uncomfortable with the comment, but it was over the top and justified, but not justified for a permanent ban.
Anything else we should know: The admin forced the round to end, there was some disappointment, overall a mess and ill avoid saying words like that.
appeal, include it here.