SS14 Account Username: Tl0W
Ban Reason: Unsure. Ban reason part is filled in with “[email protected]”
Date of Ban: 2/22/23, although this did happen before just a couple days ago, but it went away after some time.
Length of Ban: Appeal only ban.
Events Leading to Ban: Once again, uncertain. After my power had shut down while I was in a match, I came back and it was like this. I dunno if this has been covered already and I’m being a big idiot or not, but I’d like this to be cleared up.
Reason the Ban Should be Removed: I feel that this is unjustified. Unless I broke some rule I hadn’t heard of, I think this should be removed.
Note: I did let a free-for-all happen in my bar yesterday, but I feel that would be mentioned in the Ban Reason part. If this has already been brought up somewhere, I am sorry. It could be a problem with my router/internet.