Can i transfer my play time on another server to unlock roles? Or do i need to rise up in the ranks again slowly?
There is currently no way. Sorry
We do not do this for several reasons.
The key reason being that what other servers permit / Offer for these roles can be vastly different from the “Vanilla” SS14 experience.
You may be well versed in Medical on RMC for example, but it would not translate to Medical in Wizden SS14, as the core features differ greatly to that of RMC.
You may also need to learn how you are allowed to perform actions on wizden as certain roles such as Heads of staff, which could be again vastly different to other servers.
In short, these are just two of many reasons we do not transfer playtimes from an Admin perspective.
Hopefully this is not a deal-breaker and you will find enjoyment here either way.
Hope this is helpful for you.