Treestone - vpn

Username: treestone

Ban reason: vpn
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban


Reason the ban should be removed

im not record banned, i just only currently have access to a computer with a strict vpn on it and would like an exemption, im sorry if a ban appeal is the wrong way to ask for this, i looked for a bit and couldnt find anything else for this specific circumstance, im not a rulebreaker and ive got a good amount of playtime on my account and would like to continue playing

Alternate Accounts

Hello sorry for the long response time, would it be possible for you to use split tunneling so your connection to our servers does not use a VPN?

unfortunately not, the vpn is quite strictly enforced

Hello sorry for the long reply time, it looks like you are now successfuly able to connect. Is there still an issue?

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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