Ban reason: “NSFW OOC chat. References to ‘onlyfans’ and the ‘epstein list’”
Length of ban: Appeal Only
Events leading to the ban: Must ha ve been when I was way too blackout drunk on the weekend and the following days because there are alot of things that I have no recollection of from those last days. I drank way too much over a way too long time and nearly the whole week is a blur for me.
Reason the ban should be removed: The only reason I have is that I am sorry and that I will make sure such things do no happen again should you guys give me another chance to be a part of this community. I will stay away from ss14 should I drink again, no matter the amount tho I am sure I will not drink again in a long time following the last days. Having no memories on this is no excuse and I can only imagine what kind of cringe stuff I must have typed to be banned for and to be honest I feel so ashamed for it that I do not even wanna know the full chat log of my toxicity. Me and alcohol do not mix well at all and the last days have proofen that once again, also drowning sorrow in booze is never wise. I am sorry!