TrueSarah - The ban reason is: "Self-antag- Disarming the captain and tossing their laser as a nonantag." This ban is for 720 minutes and will expire at Monday, September 23, 2024 6:14 AM UTC

Username: TrueSarah

Ban reason: The ban reason is: "Self-antag- Disarming the captain and tossing their laser as a nonantag." This ban is for 720 minutes and will expire at Monday, September 23, 2024 6:14 AM UTC.
Length of ban: 720 minutes
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I got onto the emergency shuttle knowing nothing at all (late joined) I see the captain screaming about mimes and shooting one (friendly firing multiple people) so I disarmed them and took their laser gun and threw it into space (still multiple sec with weapons) and then they killed me (understandable) but then they tried to say I tried to kill them which was false, multiple people told me that shouldn’t have been kos but I agreed the cap should’ve done that, nothing else happened. Next round, I’m playing and I get an admin message about it; I explain what happened and after like 4 messages I get banned immediately

Reason the ban should be removed

This ban was extremely harsh and it wasn’t putting the cap in danger considering the warden (or HoS I don’t remember) was wearing an elite suit (also against the rules) and the cap still had the sabre and multiple armed sec. The mimes I tried to save were also completely unarmed and only running away, even though I later learned they broke out of perma I still think the ban is unjust.

Alternate Accounts



also, I would’ve been fine with being banned at the round end but I didn’t get to say that (I have salv crusher and rolled traitor)

This ban has since finished, closing off.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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