Tyler - "Banned through use of a datacenter or VPN"

Ban reason: You are connecting through a datacenter or VPN. For administrative reasons we do not allow VPN connections to play. This is not a permanent record against your account, turning off your VPN is sufficient. If you have a technical issue and need a VPN to be able to play, you can request an exemption at forum.ss14.io"
Length of ban: Appeal-only
Events leading to the ban: I was playing the game as usual, the next time I went to join a wizards den server I received the ban message.
Reason the ban should be removed: I believe this may of been made in error. To my knowledge no one in my household is using a VPN.

Looks like your coming in from a datacenter since the 5th March, if someone controls your network, machine or you use a VPN directly on your machine you should investigate this has been implemented  further locally.

I’m not sure exactly what happened but I am able to connect to the server again thankfully

Alright, I’ll close this one off then.
You should probably have a investigate if you are not using a VPN on your machine or network as it could be an 3rd party malicious intercept if your network routing is changing without your input.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals