TymForAdventure - "You Have Been Banned From This Role."

Username: TymForAdventure

Banned Roles: Cargo Technician, Salvage, Quartermaster

Ban reason: "You Have Been Banned From This Role."
Length of ban: Unsure
Ban Issue:
I do not know why I was banned

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

I was playing as my Cargo Character and everything went fine during the shift. In fact, I wasn’t even banned from it during the shift or in the round after. The ban came in while I was asleep, or at least during class this morning.

I was running around attempting to get my Bounties collected as best as I could. Getting chef to cook pancakes, getting cyborg modules. Asked botany to make cotton. I was delivering a bounty, when I was killed by a Syndicate aboard the Cargo Shuttle. That was the last time I was playing Cargo, and I spent the rest of the round playing as various mice, getting into shenanigans eating paper as a mouse.

When the round ended, I played a round as a paramedic the following game. This morning, after class ended, I went to join as my Cargo Character. However, when I went to pick her, I saw “You Have Been Banned From This Role.” I like to check my time remaining until I unlock certain roles, so this threw me for a loop.

As for events that may have caused it:
I like making lore for my characters (all the spiders I have are related in some way), and I mentioned in passing “My grandfather fought in the Cargonia Wars.” as a little tidbit about her backstory. I am unsure if this is the primary reason behind this ban, but that tidbit was the only mention of Cargonia I have ever made with her or any of my other characters.

Reason the ban should be removed

I genuinely do not know why I was banned. It does not state how long the ban is for, and I am afraid that it is completely cutting off an entire section of the crew that I wish to become more experienced in.

If I was banned due to incompetence in this role, I apologize, but I am seriously trying my hardest.

Alternate Accounts



You are not banned on Wizard’s Den Servers. This forum is only for appeals for the Wizard’s Den Game servers, the official SS14 discord, and the SS14 github. If you are appealing a ban for another server then please consult them for a proper place to appeal.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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