Ultravorgan - doesn't say anything about the roles

Username: ultravorgan

Banned Roles: salvage specialist and QM

Ban reason: doesn't say anything about the roles
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

i was playing salvage, got attacked by multiple xenos at once on an expedition, we came back to the ats, i bought a single smg crate to defend my self with better because of how slow the PKA is, then the cap, a borg, and the qm came and the borg took the crate away, cap and qm didn’t want me to have it, i got pissed and started shooting the cap. then got an admin pop up, after that i just killed my self and left the game due to being up all night untill about 9 am and went to bed.

Reason the ban should be removed

and perma ban for salvage/qm is just to harsh for a first time offence like this. in the admin remarks for me, galaxycad wrote that in the admin messages i said “i’m pissed and can do it”, i remember saying i was pissed but not that i could do that, if i did, i was probably meaning buying the crate and not shooting the cap. they also wrote that i had done this before basing off my admin notes, but i had never done that before. or even anything similar from my memory and from what thhe notes say. i do regret what i did, and at the time realized that what i did was bad, that’s one of the reasons i got off and to both “cool off” and to go get sleep cause i was really tired. they also wrote that the hos was there, but i just remember a regual sec personal there, but i didn’t look at their id. at the time i shoot the captain was mostly just to vent anger, and if you can replay the footage you will see that after i shot the cap and they ran back to the station via portal, then they came back after a bit and i didn’t shoot them or anybody else, just got captured by sec right as i was about to go blow my self up in space, but since i was hand cuffed i just bit my tongue and left. so in general i feel like getting perma banned from both salvage and qm is harsh, i don’t mind being perma banned from qm since i’m not that interested in being any command role, but atleast let me play salvage again please.

Alternate Accounts

none at all unless you count my singular ss13 account

i did say some of that in adminhelp like an hour or two ago, i forgot the forum and ban appeal forum existed in all honesty

heck yah! i got assigned to repo!

This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to Maintain the ban.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Does not seem to understand why what they did was a problem.
  • Short ban time served

Appeal Denied - Ban to maintain, you may re-appeal no sooner than two weeks from now. (2024-06-06T00:00:00Z)

no. i do understand what i did was wrong and a problem. i’m not saying it wasn’t, im just saying that i had never done that before but galaxy thought i had because of admin remarks, so i was just hoping for it to not be permanent, im fine with it being like a month long ban, just not permanent because i had actually never done that before so felt like it being permanent is way to harsh

no im not trying to argue about it, i understand i have to wait 2 weeks to re-appeal, i was just trying to clarify a little further for when i re-appeal so yall understand a little better. especially because i like playing salvage.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

The Appeal essentially reads as “I was tired, I self antag’d because things didn’t go my way and this ban is too harsh because I want to play salvage.”

The previous notes had indicated a trend of snapping at people when things don’t go your way and abusing the salvage role in a parallel context.

The admin consensus was unanimous to maintain the ban, mainly as you have not shown any remorse in the appeal and immediate appeal with the reasoning to just play your preferred role again.
There wasn’t any indication that you had learnt from the issue and were going to be showing a commitment to not causing issues and following the rules in the future.

If you appeal again after the 2024-06-06T00:00:00Z, I would suggest to consider some of these issues above.

uhhhhh. the only other admin remark about salvage was when i had set off a seismic charge on evac shuttle but it was like a few seconds before we got to cent comm. how does that mean abusing salvage role, notice the play time difference between then and this incident. and yah. im emotionally vocal so i tend to go off the rails, i’ve had anger issues since i was a kid. and yes, i think the ban is to harsh, but not because i want to play salvage, but because it was the first incident like that i had done. and i am remorseful, i was just trying to explain things from my point of view.

i mean like i agree i should have been banned for a while for it, but not perma banned. and the only reason i appealed so fast is because i felt like a perma ban immediately for a first time offence like that was way to harsh and because i had no idea how galaxy cad had looked at my admin remarks and thought i had done something like that before when none of them even say anything like that.
notice how i havn’t blown up evac before it arrives to cent comm after the first time, and notice how the other remarks are about chat related stuff and not stuff i did when alive or playing other than eating pipes as a space carp.
i actively try not to repeat actions that get me banned cause i actually like playing this game quite a lot.

still not trying to get yall to reverse the current decision, just trying to give yall my point of view.
just trying to not get misunderstood. the action i did in game wasn’t misunderstood, galaxycad did the right thing with me, just a little to harsh i feel like and don’t understand how they came to the conclusion i had done that before

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