Ultravorgan - it was buying guns and then shooting the captain when he more or less said no and took them away from me

Username: ultravorgan

Banned Roles: salvage, technically QM but i don't mind that one

Ban reason: it was buying guns and then shooting the captain when he more or less said no and took them away from me
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

all i remember is that i was playing slavage, i would usualy buy my self guns for the fauna. captain found out and took them from me, i gpot angry cause i just wanted self defense from the carps and such, and i shot him with a PKA

Reason the ban should be removed

so in the admin remark about it says that i had seemingly done it before when i never had before and it also says that i had said “i have done this before” at the time i was talking about buying the guns, not shooting the captain and i think the admin got confused with that thinking i had meant i had shoot the captain before, the admin also thought i had no remorse. i did and still do, i just don’t show my emotions well and i tend to get overly angry at things. i have gotten better at that. so can i please get unabnned from salvage, it has been like 6 months and i would like to play salvage again. i will admit that at timesz i will do stupid shit, but i try not to repeat the exact same mistakes that make yall angry with me.

Alternate Accounts

none. just the one

given that it has been a long time and I couldn’t confirm the “done this before” remark I decided to accept this appeal

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

thank you samuka, you da best

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