Underkiller678 - Hatespeech

Username: Underkiller678

Ban reason: Hatespeech
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
Wizard Error

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

I and some dudes made some fun about racist and i was funny and wrote “whigger” one time and didn´t wrote another time it. when they wrote me i should´t do it i didn´t do it again and then i got said i get banned bc of Hatespeech.

  1. I wasn´t trying to be a racist.
  2. it was no seriuos situation and i played an drunk moth.
  3. i was new on this and tried to learn the game.
    i think it was a missunderstanding between me and the admin and i am sorry for anyone who got attacked bye my word.

Reason the ban should be removed

I want to play again on it bc its a fun game and the only game i can play with my guys.

Alternate Accounts

no alternate accounts

This account isn’t banned on Wizard’s Den servers. We only accept process appeals for Wizard’s Den bans

Added appeal-rejected, appeal-server-ban and removed appeal-pending

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