Ban reason:"You are connecting through a datacenter or VPN. For administrative reasons we do not allow VPN connections to play..." Regular VPN message. Length of ban:N/A Ban Issue: The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out:true
Events leading to the ban
Use of a VPN while connecting to Salamander (cloudflare Warp)
Reason the ban should be removed
This is a request of VPN exempetion.
Due to my building’s Wi-Fi being public Wi-Fi I must use a given software, in that case “Cloudflare Warp” to be able to connect to all SS14 servers properly. As such, wanting to play Salamander again I am requesting to be exempt in order for me to play on this specific server, even though this may apply to all Wizden servers.
I have an alternative, being using my phone’s mobile data. One issue being that due to most english servers (and salamander namely) being hosted in the US, giving me extremely poor connection and resulting to being unplayable, more often than not getting timed out over and over.
While I did hope it would resolve it, it hasn’t. The reason being I explicitely use cloudflare warp to connect as without it it doesn’t work. Resulting in the following message.
My guess as to why it does not work is due to how the public Wi-Fi my living space has works, namely preventing me from doing things such as discord calls, playing most online server games etc.
Which most work by using it.