[Unknown admin] - Owenr

SS14 account: Owenr
Character name: Weg Wog
When was the ban: Most likely I was banned either a day or three days ago when last time i joined game
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizard´s Den Lizard [US West]
Your side of the story: Didnt come in game for 2 days and was banned for homophobic slurs, as i remember i never said anything homophobic in this game, and I dont say “homophobic slurs” by myself

Why you think you should be unbanned: I really like this game, and I would not like to get banned in it and stop playing it, I also really like the community there. I think I was banned by mistake. But if I really wasnt banned by mistake, Im ready to admit my mistake.



9 minutes ago, moony said:


can i have message or something that I wrote after this word

like maybe i missed key or something, just i dont really remember if i insulted someone with this 2 days ago

You really don’t seem to want to apologise for this so I’m gonna reject this at this time.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals