[Unknown Admin] - Shlumped

SS14 account: Shlumped

Character name:  I was a Monkey

When was the ban:  About a month ago

Server you were playing on when banned: Server name. Either Miros, Spider, Lizard or Centipede .

Your side of the story: Explain what happened in your own words.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Why should you get this opportunity
to return, what value do you bring back to the community? Was your ban unfair? Justify it.

Anything else we should know: If you have anything else you feel is relevant to your
appeal, include it here.

This was mistakenly posted early

SS14 account: Shlumped

Character name:  I was a Monkey

When was the ban:  About a month ago

Server you were playing on when banned:  Lizard

Your side of the story:   I was playing Space Station 14 and streaming to a friend over discord. I was playing a monkey in the round and was showing him that everything I said as a monkey automatically translates to monkey sounds.

Why you think you should be unbanned:  I understand as to why I was banned, and I shouldn’t have said the n word regardless whether or not it was being said in game. I think I should be unbanned because though the ban was warranted, I never meant for it to be anything more than a joke between a friend and I. I do apologize for doing so and feel as though it was a stupid mistake for me to make in the first place.

Anything else we should know:   I’m not white, and neither is the friend I was streaming for

We don’t take the “i’m in the group the slur is for” excuse. Otherwise, apology accepted, unbanned.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals