I can no longer edit my posts for now(I don’t know why), but I can reply to them to add things.
Update 4: I started to read and understand more the ban reasons, I found out that the reason why I was banned by Trialmin “Veritius” was also misapplied, since it is stated in the table that for the first offense of this type a Warning or 3 to 7 days roleban is given.
To which the trialmin “Veritius” gave me a 10 days Roleban, being my first real fault(If this is the case) , since the warning I had before were to change the name of my character and another warning that I do not know if it is a reason for warning or ban.
In this case, in the end I think that the roleban decision process has been wrong in most aspects by the Trialmin “Veritius” (now game admin).
I keep asking to have the roleban removed from my record if possible, as I haven’t gotten a response yet and the roleban is almost over.
I also discovered that he put two ban reasons in one. shouldn’t they be split into two different reasons as the table dictates?
And of course, at the beginning my appeal was because I did not do what I was banned for.
This can be checked from minute 50:00 of the replay.