(UPDATED) I have discovered that my roleban was on the Leviathan server in a round that I was not present, because I have never played on that server, I have only been playing on the Lizard server

Username: LuisitoKitKat

Banned Roles: Command roles and security

Ban reason: you have been banned from this role (I was not notified of the ban), asking some admin told me that I was banned for “unreasonable failure to follow space law”.
Length of ban: 10 days
Ban Issue:
I did not do what I was banned for

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

(Now just read the updates of this case.)

First I was not notified the reason for the ban but I guess it was for the following:

I guess it is because by orders of the captain we let three bodies of syndies who wanted to kill the captain almost rot, as it was a direct order from the captain who planned to burn them we did not give them medical assistance.

Plus the security department was being rebuilt and had to deal with more things like cadets and the dragon, two ninjas, clown spiders and syndies . In that round I was HoS.

Reason the ban should be removed

I was only following orders from my superior in the role, which was the captain, not even the warden said no to leaving the burned bodies, because they were the captain’s orders, not ours, besides when the admin asked me about it we immediately went to revive them.

In that round I had a lot of things to do as HoS, I was too busy trying not to get killed by the dragon, the ninja and the syndies plus a skeleton self antag that was attacking us, so I didn’t have time to make sure everything was in order.

Besides the fact that English is not my native language, I try my best to understand everything that happens at the moment.

Update 1: I have discovered that my roleban was on the Leviathan server in a round that I was not present, because I have never played on that server, I have only been playing on the Lizard server. I was banned by a trial game admin named Veritius.

Update 2: Imgur: The magic of the Internet so, I was banned for 10 days many hours later without being notified.

Update 3: Okay, after watching the replay of the round (Lizard #67106 you can see it for yourself.)
I realized that it was all a BIG BIG confusion on the part of the Admin called Veritius.

The reason for the ban is supposed to be: “unreasonable failure to follow space law, incompetence in role”.

First I would like to make it clear that I was already very sleepy in the middle of that round, it was early Sunday morning, I was going to sleep but everything dragged on, as HoS I had to deal with a lack of trained personnel, a space dragon, a ninja and many syndies, as well as a self antag skeleton, all at the same time.

My personal goal at that time was only to protect the captain’s life. Whereupon a chaplain wanted to ambush us in the church. He took us there, to try between 3 syndies cultists to kill the captain, but I killed them before that happened.

So the situation starts here: I took the captain to Medbay to be treated there, but I took the bodies to the security department in order to revive them, but I didn’t say anything about my intention because I was sleepy, English is not my native language and I didn’t want to be unprepared for a possible attack from previous threats such as the space dragon, the Self Antag skeleton or the syndies that were around the station.

Once I got to the security department, I realized that it was bombed by syndies before, and they were just rebuilding everything again (I just realized because I was alone in space shooting the space dragon, a few syndies and a skeleton.)
Whereupon I arrived and told the warden that the three dead men I took to sec wanted to kill the captain and that I killed them. Then the warden said to burn them, but I took it as a joke and supposedly said yes.

So far it is normal that the admin could have read the chat and thought that I was agreeing to break the space law (he did not see the whole situation so far, he was observing the round, but he arrived some time later, I guess by complaint of the 3 dead.)

So I’m going to see if my office is being robbed, because there wasn’t one in that section, at that moment the captain returns from Medbay to also try to call the doctors, but the communications were damaged by the syndies.

That’s when the admin approaches, but I was no longer in the situation, only the captain, the warden and a few other people, the captain didn’t act quickly and the bodies were rotting, until then the admin began to write to me asking me about what was happening.He asked me if we were going to burn the bodies, But I told him that those were the captain’s orders, because the captain was also confused by the Warden’s proposal to burn the bodies.

I told him that I wanted to revive the bodies and he told me that the bodies were already beginning to rot. But I had just returned to where the bodies were, which I want to emphasize here, the situation could have been handled by the captain or the warden, but in the end the 10-day ban fell on me, when at no time did I propose to burn the bodies, when that was going to happen I stopped the warden, my intention was also to revive them.

All that time I was not there, I had left the situation in the hands of the captain and the warden, to check the state of the security department. I only came back at the end, when the admin asked me and then we took the bodies to medbay. Honestly, it was all a bad role-playing process for me, because I wasn’t fully involved in it, I didn’t even talk that much during all that, so I would just want an unban and have that removed from my ban history, because it’s not fair at all.

We all make mistakes and this can be a great learning experience for the on trial Admin Veritius. As well as the rest who were involved in that situation.

I was angry when I saw the roleban, because I know that round was a great round for me and a lot of people involved.

I continue and will continue to learn more things always.

Alternate Accounts


I can no longer edit my posts for now(I don’t know why), but I can reply to them to add things.

Update 4: I started to read and understand more the ban reasons, I found out that the reason why I was banned by Trialmin “Veritius” was also misapplied, since it is stated in the table that for the first offense of this type a Warning or 3 to 7 days roleban is given.

To which the trialmin “Veritius” gave me a 10 days Roleban, being my first real fault(If this is the case) , since the warning I had before were to change the name of my character and another warning that I do not know if it is a reason for warning or ban.

In this case, in the end I think that the roleban decision process has been wrong in most aspects by the Trialmin “Veritius” (now game admin).

I keep asking to have the roleban removed from my record if possible, as I haven’t gotten a response yet and the roleban is almost over.

I also discovered that he put two ban reasons in one. shouldn’t they be split into two different reasons as the table dictates?

And of course, at the beginning my appeal was because I did not do what I was banned for.
This can be checked from minute 50:00 of the replay.

Update 5: The trialmin added this 10 days later:

A complaint I made to Veritius on discord was that he didn’t let me know he was going to ban me, but my complaint about that is because he was present at that round, he could have told me he was going to penalize me at that time.

It also does not seem that he reviewed the replay of the round, since if it had been the case he would have done the whole process correctly.

This ban has already expired. Closing.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

Thank you for your effort Repo!!

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